Friday, January 13, 2012

Crazy Rope Swing

Ed and I went for a motorcycle ride and found a beautiful park on the Pensicola Bay and noticed a old rotten rope swing hanging over the bay. We each dared each other to 'take a swing'. Lucky for us the rope held. I haven't laughed that  hard in a long time....not sure if it was because I didn't break my neck or from having so much fun :).


  1. Where exactly was the rope swing? We are in the area and would love to check. It out.

  2. Bruce,
    sorry for the delay in response we were out of cell phone range for a few days. We can not remember the exact road names but we have family that live in that area and they have agreed to go on a recon mission for you and we will get back to you with the directions :).
    Ed and Mikki
